I watched this film was I was really little so it was the late 80’s .
All I can remember about this film was that there is some sort of boat in the sky or clouds and these kids would get on it when it was their turn to be born or taken down to earth.
the film was in english.
most likely an adaptation of “The Blue Bird”. there was a movie in 1940 and a remake in 1976.
Omg, y’all are amazing. I’ve been looking for this scene for years, no idea what it was or where it was from. Just made an account tonight to find it, and I stumbled across it accidentally looking through the old questions. Not sure if it’s the one @Serenityyou was looking for, but it was mine, so thank you so much 🙌🏻
you’re welcome! and thank you for checking these old posts. Cheers!
Solved! Seems like it’s not the first time for “The Blue Bird.”
Oops, I missed the fact that it wasn’t the OP confirming, but I’ll leave it as “solved” anyway.