..the murderers the same way
I think it’s an 80s movie where a white couple was murdered in what looked like a swamp area surrounded by bushes. They were killed using poison darts blown from a pipe and later beheaded. Their surviving daughter (I think) was taken to live with the natives in that swamp. She later killed the people who killed her parents and beheaded them too. The native who helped her was banished from the village as it was an abomination he had committed.
I really need to find that movie title so I can get to see it again. Saw it when I was really young.
Solved here: https://irememberthismovie.com/movie-i-cant-recall-the-name-but-had-to-do-with-beheadings/
Thanks Jennagain. I missed the fact that he submitted the same movie twice with different titles and usernames.