I saw a film in the early 90’s , although the film may have been 80’s, and I can only remember the final scene, a demon of some sort rises through the floorboards of a building , the floorboards disperse in a wave like fashion , accompanied by demonic laughter, i think. Any ideas ? mike
Reminds me of The Thing. Original 1980’s.
No its not that , it might be more to do with witchcraft , a witch or demon of some sort, i think its a typical end to a film , one where everything seems to be ok and then it hits you with that end.
Longshot, but you aren’t talking about “The Gate” are you? https://youtu.be/Fq5x1lq6KqU?t=17m12s
thanks but no its definitely not the gate. Although the end is in the horror genre I’m not certain the rest of the film is as obvious. I’m fairly certain the final scene is the only time the witch/demon probably appears. I suspect the rest of the film has it implied that it may exist, hence the big finale ( like ‘frailty’ in some ways maybe ) .