10 year+ movie about a seemingly un-killable characer who turned into a girl in one scene, lots of…

…fighting, gas station fire etc

I saw this in 2003 or 04 and was 8 at the time so it’s difficult to recall. Bare with me…

The main character was a bad guy. I think he was white with dark hair. The scenes that stick out are there’s a dog barking and a guy’s telling the dog to shut up and yelling at it. I think the guy transforms into the guy’s wife or some girl and then stabs him through the mouth, and the blade comes out his neck. I also recall a gas station scene where the guy lights a match in front of a pump and shoots fire everywhere. The last thing I remember was a big fight scene on a highway with cars and stuff.

I saw it in 2003 or 2004


Was a movie I believe



Any suggestions greatly appreciated, thanks!

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