80s music video. Band (all men) in drag on a fancy lawn

This was a music video from the early to mid 1980s.  At least in part of it, the guys in the band are on a fancy lawn (I think there are odd palace-like decorations, like a small classical column here and there).  They’re dressed in women’s clothes, and I think the clothes are from an old period–like 18th Century French royal court?  Maybe not that far back.  But pretty sure they’re in drag.  The guys in the band were older than the typical young MTV artists of the day.  They kind of looked like The Fabulous Thunderbirds, but I don’t think it’s them.  Any ideas?  Thanks!

a young woman communicates with her dead father through video recordings of himself he left her before he died

I believe the movie is from the 80s/90s. The movie revolves around a young, redhead lady whose father left her video recordings of himself, since he had known he is about to pass away. He apparently created kind of an AI software which recognizes spoken communications of his daughter. So, she communicates with her dead father by talking to a screen, and her father answers her from the screen with the right video recording of himself. The videos include personal messages as well as practical instructions for her day to day life. I remember specifically that the daughter is saying to the screen “I miss you”, and there comes a recording of her father comforting her.

I don’t remember anything else about the film unfortunately, other than some vague notion that the woman might have been in danger, maybe somebody wanted to kill her.

That’s all, thanks for your help in advance.

Comedy of absurd

Hi) Actually, i have been trying to find this movie for a long time. Its an Absurd Comedy. The plot is like this – two jerks want to become discoverers. They gather people and go on expedition. As far as i remember there were indians there and there even was a scene when they met the local tribe and mistooke the local retarded dude for their leader. There was also a scene of getting eagle eggs – when one of to m.heroes climbs a tree. Plus they had an indian girl in their group (she was freed from the slavery) and she had an affair with the second hero. When he is sick, he says in delirium:”Mother, i saw a nacked indian woman”: ))

Will be grateful for your help

Comedy of 2000s

And the second film) Trying to find the following film of 2000s (i do not remember the exact date, but there were mobiles like in this decade). The plot is that the family (mom, dad and 3 children – two boys and a girl) want to go on vacation . But something happens and they are forced to go on vacation to the wifes relative. He lives near camping. There is the party at camping every evening. So the eldest son persuades his father to go with him to the party, the father can not sleep because of the music in any case – so he agrees. At the campsite father meets a girl (she is a hairdresser) and gets grunk, so the next morning he wakes up in her tent and…remembers nothing. The children and wife are already looking for him. But he manages to get out of it by lying. Then there is the scene where wife reads magazine and says: according to the statistics, many people are ready to forgive the partners betrayal, if it happens on vacation. But i am not – oops 😉 But soon the wife, while walking in nature,  meets a handsome man by herself, who gives her a goat meat!

European fairy tale movie set in (somewhat) modern times

I saw that movie on TV sometime in the late ‛90s or early ’00s.
It is some sort of fairy-tale for young people. I think the main character was a girl. Perhaps there was also some witch or sorceress character.
I remember there was an episode where there was an eel in a bathtub, and later it grew a lot in the very same bathtub.
Although this is probably not very helpful, but I also remember a moment, where there was a panoramic view from some high point (perhaps from a high floor or a roof of a building) during a sunny summer day, that showed an articulated Ikarus bus passing through some residential area.
I also think there were some inscriptions in Latin script, which, together with the Ikarus bus makes me think it was filmed in a Soviet or post-Soviet country, like Czech/Czechoslovakia or something like that.

Sci-fi action movie from the 20th century

I tried to find this movie on my own multiple times, but I was unable to due to very vague (and most likely incorrect) information.
So, I watched this probably sci-fi action movie in a cinema in the ’90s (most likely between the mid and late of ‛90s, but not later than that). The movie itself may be much older however.
I was a really small kid back then and I most likely remembered and interpreted most of things incorrectly, but here is how I remember it.
I tend to think it’s European (French, German, British or so), but maybe it is American. I also tend to think it was black-and-white, but maybe it was just in depressive colors.
It seems it was about a war, perhaps WWII, or maybe just some fictional war, and some people managed to go back in time and change the course of that war. Or, those weren’t travels in time, but travels between alternative universes. And they used doors to travel. Or at least I think they did. 😂
I remember at least some of the action happened within half-ruined buildings similar to those during WWII.
Well, at least there was a point in a movie where they were walking through doors a lot, shooting each other in between, somewhere in the 2nd half of it.
Can’t name any actors, but I probably didn’t even know any back then anyway.

set in middle/high school, about bullying

Watched this movie probably somewhere during 2018 – 2020 (2019 i think). About if I remember correctly 3 middle school (MAYBE high school) girls, one of them (the main character) comes from a poor family, and another rich girl bullies her for it. Specifically remember a scene where the poor girl asks help to cut her bangs and the rich girl messes it up on purpose, says something like “Now you look homeless to match your poor family” or something. The main character (poor girl) was I think a blonde girl. Movie is in colour, looks like it was filmed sometime between 2010 – 2015, could be wrong that’s fully a guess.

2 girls fight over the affection of hot teacher

I’ve never actually seen this movie but I’ve seen clips on tik tok. From my understanding it seems to be 2 girls fighting for young male teachers attention, one edgier and one quiet and goody two shoes. The teacher is putting on the play the crucible and it seems maybe the quiet girl sort of takes on the roll of abigail williams, both in the play and in the narrative of the movie. The quiet girl maybe seems to be a little unhinged, maybe the protagonist? Would be a fairly recent movie, id guess 2012-present, though I mostly saw clipse of it on tik tok in 2020-2022.

A beautiful young lady crying at a funeral and later shot dead in the chest sitting on her sofa in her living room

Hi, I’m looking for a crime movie I saw on TV in mid 2000s, although I assume the movie is older, probably belongs to the 90s or late 80s.

I remember only three scenes from the movie, all involve a beautiful flirty young lady with a dark hair and short kare hair style.

Scene 1: The lady is having a romantic, flirty conversation/interaction with a guy, he is looking to become her lover and succeed (I remember this very vaguely).

Scene 2: The lady is crying at a funeral near the grave of a person whom she has known closely, while her new lover is hugging her with one hand. The weather is gloomy and she is wearing a fascinator hat with a dark net over her face (I hope I remember correctly).

Scene 3: The woman is sitting in her living room, probably on her sofa, and a man is entering and shooting her multiple times in her chest, and is she is dead. I don’t remember why he shot her or whether he took anything from the apartment before leaving.

That’s all I remember, I believe the language was English but not fully sure. As mentioned in the beginning, it’s probably a crime movie (the vibe is quite dark), and doesn’t seem to me like a cinema movie, more like a TV one (although, again, I’m not sure).

I appreciate your help In advance, thanks.

An Animated Movie/Show about a Kid dressed as an Indian finds an Indian city

I saw this on TV, so I could not be sure whether if it is an animated movie or TV show, but due to the climax I could assume it is a full-length movie. It was around 10-15 years ago when I saw it.

I only saw the climax and ending, so I cannot give much information. The story is set somewhere in the Americas (apparently), and follows a boy associated with a family of white descent, but is dressed as a native (reminds of Yukari). The story also involves a lost, ancient city of an indian tribe, and that some people want to become the tribe’s next chief, or something. The antagonist is a white man who seeks the city’s ancient powers, which involves a disk/medallion split into two parts. The kid-protagonist has one of the halves. The antagonist gets that power, but is then defeated and the kid leaves the disk/medallion in the city and returns home.


Teen TV series about a teenage boy who can turn his hand into different objects

This is a live-action teen sci-fi television series. It aired sometime between 1990-2010 and is about a teenage boy who can turn his hand into different objects. I only saw one season and most of the time the main villain was an African-American man piloting a robot (sitting inside it) but at some point there was a plot twist that he was actually good and it seems someone from the main character’s entourage turned out to be the villain. It seems like time travel was involved somehow, but that’s not certain. As I said earlier, the main character could turn his hand into different objects, but it seems he didn’t really know how to control this ability and instead of a weapon it could turn into some kind of fruit or something like that. I’ve been looking for this series for a long time but to no avail and I would be very glad if someone could help.

Italian horror film with gravedigger

The movie I’m thinking of was black-and-white, probably made after 1960. It was set in the 19th century (or late 18th century) and featured a gravedigger who was also a hunter of demons/vampires. There was also a young upper class woman who is targeted by a demonic/supernatural entity. Overall, the movie had a dark tone, and there were many nighttime shots. I think it ends with the gravedigger and the demon/entity confronting each other in a crypt.

I have a hunch that the title of the international release was just the name of the gravedigger character, but that may not be the original Italian title. I saw this movie around 2018, by streaming on a friend’s laptop (maybe it was on Youtube).

Thanks for reading!

female gamer

color tv movie on cable edited between mid 80s and mid 90s:
describing a housewife loosing everything because of poker debts
at the end she is forced to pose for nude photographs to pay her debts and as she is going on to badly play poker she is forced to prostitution to pay her new debts
the end is when she is just about to encounter her first client.
Soft movie no nude in it if I remember well

Woman/Possibly Cop chasing another woman through multiple houses

So the scene in the movie is remember is a woman maybe a cop chasing after a young girl or maybea young girl and her mother. She eventually catches up to the young girl but something stops her from finishing what she’s trying to accomplish, which I believe is killing the young girl. The young girl finally gets away and the woman warns her she’ll be back for her in XX amount of years.


That’s all I can remember as of right now. Thanks! I do believe one of them has some kind of razor or small blade during the chase through the houses.

Guy starts killing people in neighborhood with shotgun

As the title says, a guy drives up in a picturesque neighborhood, all of this I’m pretty sure about, the grass is all bright green and perfectly manicured. White picket fences etc. The guy drives up in a yellow car, again I think. There’s a woman in a house, also yellow, and the guy gets out and kicks v the door open and blows her away with the shotgun. He’s mumbling something before he shoots her. He then goes to a neighboring house and goes after the mother their and I don’t remember what happened after that, he mightve killed himself? I think after that it fast forwards to present day and some detectives are talking about the man and why the case had never been solved.


I might be mixing a few movies up here, but the one I’m sure of is the guy shooting all the people in the neighborhood.