What was that movie?

I remember I saw this movie back in 2000’s on a TV channel. It was about a blonde boy who was a regular skater, then he had an accident and he damaged his knee. Later, he goes to the hospital and he discover he has cancer on the knee. Meanwhile he was in the hospital, he meets a girl who acts like a rebel. She uses a headscarf to cover her bald head. She’s brunette/dark-skinned/tanned, but not black, more like a kind of Indian girl or so. They don’t get along at first but then they fall in love, and they scape from the hospital to a kind of an island to spend their lives there, but then the girl gets very sick and he takes care of her but they probably need to get back so she can be treated.

2 thoughts on “What was that movie?

  1. thanks for fixing the URL issue, Admin. on re-reading, i don’t think that the poster’s movie is Silence Like Glass. unless two films are being confused. SLG is about two girls – one a ballet dancer – who meet and become friends while undergoing cancer treatment. this sounds like some YA Lit adaptation i never would have read or seen.

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