Weird Old Magic Maybe Ninja Movie?

I saw this while i was a lot younger so I can hardly remember the story line but the scenes are pretty clear. The main character, I think but am fairly positive, was a girl who had long nails, or maybe blades. Another key character was a girl who kisses people and like poisons them, or takes their breath away so they cant breath and kills them. I guess she used to be part of this evil group and since she became “the good guy” they’re now hunting her down. The movie was about magic kind of and stuff like that. I think the main character whore red. I also remember there being a young girl that she helped and she kept having dreams about a white room with a monster killing some people on a white bed. Again, I was really young so my perspective as a kid could have been different but I’m pretty sure this is about it.

4 thoughts on “Weird Old Magic Maybe Ninja Movie?

  1. “Female Ninjas:Magic Chronicles”? It’s a series of films released between 1989 and 1995. Maybe it’s one of them?

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