Science fiction movie where oxygen mask is needed when raining

This is a movie or TV show I saw at a friend’s house around 1990. The scene I remember shows a man on a street when it is about to start raining (or maybe some kind of gas is coming). For some reason people need a gas mask or oxygen mask to survive when it rains. An old lady doesn’t have one and the man offers to share his. I think it was in a future setting where this was just a normal weather event. I think this scene may have been near the beginning of the movie/show. This is all I remember, and I could be wrong  about any of the details. It’s been bugging me for years. Someone please help.

4 thoughts on “Science fiction movie where oxygen mask is needed when raining

    1. Fun movie. Just watched it to see if that’s it. But no, the scene I’m thinking of must be from somewhere else.

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