Post Apocalyptic film.

Aussie or Kiwi film from the 80s i believe.

There has been a nuclear war, or some other catastrophe.

There is a young man and young woman who find a postal van, and after reading the letters, decide to deliver them all.

It has the word (dancing or dance) in the title.

Sorry this so vague. Can anyone help.

7 thoughts on “Post Apocalyptic film.

  1. Is it “The Postman”?

    Check it out it’s late 90s but it’s exactly what you described!

    Hope I could help!

      1. Have you ever seen the postman? It’s about a post apocalyptic society and a guy finds mail in a van and they create a a unit to deliver the mail lol just trying to help it is very close to what u described!

        Sometimes people dream up what they might have thought was in the title.

        Even googled your post to see what I could find and the postman popped up so idk if you know what words are in the title you should be able to find it.

          1. Never said it was a good movie I was just trying to help you find your film. If you wanna act like a Richard when people are trying to help then go look somewhere else, preferably where the sun doesn’t shine!

    1. Lol coming from a guy that’s been a dick since the beginning of me trying to simply help.
      Could have been nice and simply just said no that’s not the one. Instead you had to be a smart ass. Talk about a pathetic joke of a human being.

      Also funny you thought it was abuse even though it was just a strong suggestion!

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