discovery of way to give water to the entire world free but almost all researchers were killed by the industrial military complex

At the begining of the movie I remember a group of idealistic international researchers working on discovering how to provide everyone with water free of cost. The facilities they are in are dark. They have a break-through and the boss (Robert Redford?). reports to those who have funded the research believing them to be some humanitarian organisation. The researchers want to give the method free to all by posting it on the internet og something like that. ALmost all   of them are killed escept for a young guy and a young woman who escape. At the end of the movie they find they location of the killers. I seem to remember them going down into an underground facility to stop thebad guys who killed their friends. At the very end I seem to remember seeing water being available in some desert area in Africa where there has been a draught for years.

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