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Two Movies (late night encore/cinemax & old 1980s movie)

1st Movie: American, English, in color (think it was even HD), saw it roughly 2006 on a movie channel (not HBO, was either encore/cinemax/starz) at roughly 3am and I believe the movie was either brand new or was recent (so early/mid 2000’s). I know it wasn’t part of a series because it had it’s own title, pretty sure it was a one word or two word title.

Very few details on what I remember: There was a dad with a teenage son and a young daughter, recently married the stepmom. They moved to a house that was kind of off a highway out in the open by itself (a lot of scenes took place in the kitchen which looked out the front of the house).

Things I know: Teenager didn’t like the stepmom but then ‘something’ happens where they don’t know what they’re doing and they make out then realize and stop. ‘Something’ makes them do it. Same something (don’t want to use the word possessed, or mind control but possibly either/both) makes the dad go crazy at the end of the movie and try to kill both of his kids.

Things I think I know: The dad and stepmom worked together as a lab. Either scientists or something. A sheriff visits them at their house more than once (and gets killed) because something at their work happened.

Not sure what genre to put it in, was sort of sci-fi, not really a full blown horror movie. Just a random late night b-movie.

2nd Movie: American, English, in color, saw it early 90’s (could have been from early 90’s but memory is telling me probably from the 80’s).

I only remember what I assume was the beginning/early movie scene. A dad and his son are at a roadside gas station (or restaurant) – maybe don’t pay for food or steal gas, were those types of people – and a mom and daughter sort of con-artist team are there also and steal the guys wallet or try to scam them in some way. Man isn’t fooled or catches her in the act or afterwards and confronts her. Whatever happens and the woman and daughter end up asking for and getting a ride from the man and son (two pairs of con-artists/scammers/thieves become one group?) but what I remember most is the teenage boy and girl were in the backseat and he fell asleep on her and when he woke up he had drooled all over her breasts. The mom and daughter did a lot of “leading on” of the man and boy but I can’t remember the rest of the movie after that, or if I even watched it further. [SOLVED!}

Thanks for any help.