All posts by molly

an animated thing (cant remember the length of the show) maybe I saw it in like 2003?

I remember that it was an animated cartoon. I must have been younger than 5 (any time before 2004) and i’m 18 now, so it could be that I just dreamed this but… My aunt showed me this one film and it didn’t have voices in it (for sake of style or something) and it was definitely in color.

Other details I remember was that there was this old short lady who lived with her tall, lanky-ass son in a very tall, skinny house. There were sound effects, but no voices. I think I remember the old lady/mom character was a secret badass? and there were villains out for her son? I can’t remember if it was a short project or if it was a full-length film.

Can somebody help me please.


Several years ago I watched a movie about a woman who frequently passes by a tunnel on her running route. One day she sees someone sitting in the tunnel, and brings them some food because they are homeless. Then, she starts receiving strange trinkets at her home, to discover that there was no one in the tunnel and that she had inadvertently begun trading with something paranormal. Does anyone know what I’m talking about?