All posts by icedanielgr

About icedanielgr

Movie lovers since forever.

Private investigator

This was definitely a TV series, maybe late 70’s or early 80’s. It was set in Singapore and was a about a private investigator, that’s how much I remember. I think the main character was an american and his helper was a local. The atmosphere was very dark and moist. Everybody was always sweating, at least that’s what I remember.

Please help me locate this one. Thanks.

Recurring rooms

There’s this man whom is being pulled into a room and sitted into an airm chair. Then he wakes and escape the room through a wall and steps into another identical room which has an identical man in an indentical chair. He hides and escapes the room into a hallway to find the man that pulled him into the first room. The movie goes on and unveils that he is the same man who is doing everything in this really crazy loop of himselves and rooms. Finally he gets to the top of the building and finds that the building also is an infinite array of buildings.

Can’t quite remember if this was an animated feature, but most likely was live action. Or if this was a short film.

I saw this movie maybe in 2013 o 2014, not sure of the real release date.

Please help, it’s driving me crazy. Thanks.