Action/violent movie where a dirty long-haired hitman brags about murders in a bar and kills a…

… prostitute.

It was an action movie, with quite a bit of violence and death, from the late 90s to about 2012 ish. I saw it about 1 – 1.5 years ago. This really dirty looking guy with long greasy shoulder length hair is a contract killer/hitman. He is in an old western bar bragging to someone about how he has murdered people before. I think he gets a prostitute and murders her. I’m not positive, but Robert DeNiro might have been in it, but maybe not, possibly a character similar to ones he often plays. I’m also pretty sure that the hitman guy gets killed at the end. There’s another girl he tries to murder and I think she gets away. It was definitely a movie, not a TV movie. It was in English, so an American movie but I don’t think it was a huge big budget movie, but also not a very obscure indie title, somewhere in the middle maybe.

5 thoughts on “Action/violent movie where a dirty long-haired hitman brags about murders in a bar and kills a…

  1. his name is Waingro, Robert De Nero pulls the fire alarm in the hotel Waingro is hiding out and and poses as security then smashes his face with a flashlight then shoots him in his chest and head.

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