A movie with a painting showing people at dinner who are gonna get killed

About 15-20 years ago, on TV, I watched a colorful movie in which a group of people were invited to dinner where all got murdered. I remember there was a connection between murder and a painting in which a group of people were sitting at a dining table being hosted by a man with animal head. I vaguely remember something about the crime scene being recorded by the murderer, too. I cant say what language it was because it had been dubbed into my native language.

It is great help to tell me this movie, since I guess it had a big impact on my subconscious.

4 thoughts on “A movie with a painting showing people at dinner who are gonna get killed

  1. You said you saw it on tv 15-20 years ago…so 20 years ago would be 1995 and you didn’t give any indication of when it may have came out which is pertinent information . And there is a painting but no animal head. Maybe share some more details instead of keeping them to yourself and I’ll find it.

    1. I got nothing more to remember. I said I watched it 20 years ago which I did. I didn’t say it was made 20 years ago, did I? On the other hand, you made a guess and it wasnt right, so why the frown? no big deal! thanks anyway

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