A movie that appeared to be set in a building in the middle of the ocean or on an island somewhere

So I remember seeing this movie on the new years day of 2012 early in the morning, like 1-2 AM. It was on tv randomly and it was a movie that looked like it was from the 90’s to the early 2000’s. I remember it had a bunch of people in this building trying to escape, and there were a bunch of under ground hall ways with rooms that seemed to be of a mental hospital or some sort of surgical room (like what a crazy doctor would operate in, on kidnapped patients, that kind of jazz). Other than that, the only thing i can really recall is the end where 2 people make it out of this massive structure/building just before the window they escaped out of had a massive metal door shut it forever. As they sat there on the ledge of the building, i think they had some sort of old check worth a lot of money or something, and they just let it go into the wind or something. Hope you guys can find out this movie and that I don’t sound nuts.

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