2 brothers that were seperated by birth but are looking for the same treasure and find each other

I saw this movie somewhere in 2005-2008 but i forgot almost everything about it! the only things i know are :

  • the brothers are seperated as babies
  • 1 brother has blue eyes which are seen as a miscarriage. Or in any case something not good because people with blue eyes hide them
  • it has, if im correct, 7 hidden keys to the main treasure and the last scene was when the 2 brothers were seeing each other for the first time since years and needed to choose a door. 1 which led to eternal darkness and the other one to happiness (something like that)

i hope that this is enough information

2 thoughts on “2 brothers that were seperated by birth but are looking for the same treasure and find each other

  1. Hey there !!
    The movie is called “Azur and Asmar” and was one of my favourites too !!
    Hope that helps 😀

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